In today's business landscape, the Domain Name System (DNS) is
a critical application that enables seamless communication between
two systems. As DNS has evolved significantly over the past few
decades, modernizing legacy DNS technology and catering to the most
modern technologies, such as cloud and microservices, requires a
management system that can meet such demands. This is where TCPWave
TCPWave DNS remotes, managed by our DDI controller,
provide seamless agility to meet the needs of the most complex
enterprise networks. We offer a 99.9999% SLA, and changes made on
our DDI controller are immediately reflected on remote
DDI appliances. Our DNS is designed to be resilient to
network outages and can automatically query upstream authoritative
sources to respond without service interruption.
TCPWave leads DDI innovation by offering unique features such as
converting a recursive cache-only DNS resolver into a standalone
emergency master during a network blackout, CNAME flattening
technology, and stripping out DNS poisons and taints from responses
received from third-party delegations that can potentially poison the
internal recursive caches of an enterprise.