Microsoft Management Overlay

Bridging the gap between complex technologies for a streamlined and unified network ecosystem


Elevate your digital enterprise & build tomorrow's business landscape.

In today's business landscape, the Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical application that enables seamless communication between two systems. As DNS has evolved significantly over the past few decades, modernizing legacy DNS technology and catering to the most modern technologies, such as cloud and microservices, requires a management system that can meet such demands. This is where TCPWave excels.

TCPWave DNS remotes, managed by our DDI controller, provide seamless agility to meet the needs of the most complex enterprise networks. We offer a 99.9999% SLA, and changes made on our DDI controller are immediately reflected on remote DDI appliances. Our DNS is designed to be resilient to network outages and can automatically query upstream authoritative sources to respond without service interruption.

TCPWave leads DDI innovation by offering unique features such as converting a recursive cache-only DNS resolver into a standalone emergency master during a network blackout, CNAME flattening technology, and stripping out DNS poisons and taints from responses received from third-party delegations that can potentially poison the internal recursive caches of an enterprise.

Enhanced Performance

Enhanced Performance

  • With a 99.9999% SLA and exceptional resilience, we guarantee uninterrupted communication, even in the face of network disruptions, keeping businesses connected at all times.
Innovative DDI Solution

Innovative DDI Solution

  • By presenting unparalleled DNS features, we strengthen the security of enterprise networks and also equip businesses with advanced capabilities to tackle the evolving challenges of the modern landscape.
Improved Scalability

Improved Scalability

  • TCPWave IPAM stands out as a flexible, smart DDI system, offering instantaneous processing and customizable deployment alternatives to address the evolving requirements of modern businesses.
Increased Efficiency

Increased Efficiency

  • Our solution enhances Microsoft DNS server capabilities, fortifies security measures, and streamlines management processes, ensuring dependability and seamless integration within existing infrastructures.
Revolutionizing DNS and IP Address Management with Intelligent Automation

Our IPAM is a future-ready DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) system with built-in intelligent technologies. It transforms network services with intelligent automation, utilizing encrypted messaging, responsive consumer-grade UX, machine learning, and advanced analytics. We enable real-time processing for thousands of DDI changes with a simplified data model. It can be deployed on-premise, in the public/private cloud, or in a hybrid deployment model. The ability to rapidly deploy and provision our DNS remotes across various platforms and orchestrators is where customers see a value add that is unsurpassed in the industry. We empower enterprises to modernize their legacy DNS technology, enabling them to be agile and competitive in the most demanding business environments.

Enhancing Enterprise DNS Infrastructure with Comprehensive Microsoft DNS Management

Our Microsoft DNS Management provides a comprehensive solution to manage and secure the DNS infrastructure in enterprise environments. The solution is designed to enhance the performance, reliability, and security of Microsoft DNS servers, and it can be seamlessly integrated with existing Microsoft DNS infrastructures. The solution provides automated DNS management, with a centralized console that simplifies administration and enables real-time updates to DNS configurations. Our Microsoft DNS Management solution also enables secure DNS management, with granular control over DNS access permissions, and audit trails that track all DNS changes made within the infrastructure.


In summary, we provide a powerful and flexible Microsoft DNS management solution that ensures business continuity and high performance. With our solution, businesses can benefit from intelligent automation, simplified management, and real-time processing. Our DNS and IPAM solutions provide a streamlined approach to network services that helps businesses of all sizes operate more efficiently and effectively.