HTTP Compression: Enhancing Performance and Data Transfer

TCPWave: Breaking the bandwidth barrier for ultimate performance


TCPWave's HTTP compression delivers performance excellence and optimized data transfer.

We offer a powerful HTTP compression feature that allows you to delegate the task of compression from the backend web server. By utilizing HTTP compression setup, you can significantly improve performance and optimize data transfer on your virtual server.

Performance Enhancement

Performance Enhancement

  • Our HTTP compression feature improves performance by compressing data, optimizing data transfer, resulting in faster response times and improved user experience.
Bandwidth Optimization

Bandwidth Optimization

  • Our HTTP compression minimizes bandwidth usage by reducing data size, optimizing network resources, and saving costs.
Storage Efficiency

Storage Efficiency

  • Compressed data occupies less storage space, allowing for efficient storage utilization and potential cost savings in storage infrastructure.
Customizable Compression

Customizable Compression

  • Customizable compression settings optimize data compression for different content types, enhancing efficiency and performance.
How it works
  • Determining Preferred Encoding

    When a client sends an incoming request, the TCPWave system examines the Accept-Encoding header to determine the preferred method of encoding. It removes the Accept-Encoding header before forwarding the request to the pool member.

  • Compression Process

    After receiving the response from the pool member, the system compresses the data using the specified compression algorithm in the profile. It then reintroduces the Content-Encoding header, indicating the applied compression.

Overwhelming Settings Made Easy
  • Significant Savings with HTTP Compression

    The SLB effectively serves as an HTTP compressor, reducing the content length to a fraction of its original size. For example, it can achieve a 75% reduction in content length, which translates to significant savings, especially when multiplied by the thousands of requests received by a busy website. This demonstrates the tangible benefits of implementing HTTP compression.

  • Customizing Compression Settings

    To achieve the best results, you can tailor the compression settings based on your specific content types. By utilizing Linux regular expressions, you can compress various types of content. Here are a few examples:

  • - "application/(xml|javascript|json)": Compress XML, JavaScript, or JSON content.
    - ".*.pdf": Compress PDF files.
    - "text/css": Compress CSS files.

Overwhelming Settings Made Easy
Enhancing Performance with TCPWave Load Balancer Compression
Enhancing Performance with TCPWave Load Balancer Compression
  • TCPWave Load Balancer Compression

    Our load balancers support various compression techniques like gzip, deflate. These techniques use dictionary-based compression and Huffman encoding to reduce data transmission, optimizing performance.

  • Compressing Various Content Types

    Our load balancers' HTTP compression benefits data-heavy websites and applications like media files. It compresses content types like text/css, text/html, text/javascript, and more.

  • Enabling HTTP Compression in TCPWave ADC

    To enable compression in our load balancer for a specific application, you can activate it at the virtual server or pool level. We offer adaptive standard compression, auto-tuning settings based on resources and clients. Or choose customizable compression for precise control, defining filters and levels for various clients or groups.

TCPWave load balancer's HTTP compression feature provides a powerful solution for enhancing website performance and optimizing data transfer. By effectively reducing the size of transferred data, HTTP compression minimizes bandwidth requirements, leading to faster data transmission and improved storage optimization. Leveraging our load balancer's compression capabilities, you can significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of your web applications and provide an exceptional user experience.