Redefine Your Network Infrastructure with TCPWave

Transitioning from legacy DDI and ADC solutions to TCPWave for improved security


Upgrade to TCPWave for a seamless and secure digital transformation.

In today's hyper-connected world, where data forms the crux of organizational functionality and success, the role of DDI, and ADC solutions can't be overstated. However, legacy DDI and ADC solutions no longer meet modern organizations' rising security and compliance demands. This is where TCPWave comes into the picture.

With the proven capability to align with the best security and availability practices and adhere to standards set by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), TCPWave has consistently earned top ratings from Gartner research.

But why is there an urgent need for organizations to move away from legacy DDI and ADC solutions? How does TCPWave step up the security game? Let's delve deeper.

Scalability and

Scalability and Performance

  • We offer robust and scalable solutions that can adapt to changing business needs and accommodate growth. Our advanced DDI and ADC technologies enhance the performance of applications.
Proactive Threat

Proactive Threat Detection

  • We leverage advanced machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) to provide proactive threat detection and mitigation.
Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

  • We provide top-notch security measures and rigorous compliance mechanisms that align with industry standards set by regulatory bodies like the OCC and SEC.
Cost Savings

Cost Savings

  • We offer a unified management stack that integrates DDI and ADC functionalities, simplifying operations and reducing costs associated with hardware, software, and manpower resources.
The Shortcomings of Legacy DDI and ADC Solutions

Legacy DDI models often fail to scale and respond swiftly to changing business needs and security threats. This is largely due to their static architecture, lack of flexibility, and outdated security capabilities. In the past, we've seen instances of DDI and ADC-related attacks like the infamous DNSpionage attack in 2018 and the recent SolarWinds compromise, which exposed critical vulnerabilities in legacy systems. The associated costs of managing legacy DDI and ADC solutions often run high, given the necessity of maintaining two separate management stacks for DDI and ADC. This bifurcated approach not only complicates operations but also leads to increased operational costs. Furthermore, they lack robust analytics, machine learning, and AI capabilities, thereby restricting proactive threat detection and mitigation.

TCPWave: Reinventing DDI and ADC for the Modern Era

TCPWave, a state-of-the-art solution designed in alignment with best practices and rigorous standards, is revolutionizing the DDI and ADC landscape. One of our key differentiators is the seamless integration of DDI and ADC functionalities under a single, unified management stack. This not only simplifies operations but also significantly reduces costs related to hardware, software, and manpower resources. Our commitment to security is unrivaled. We fortify DDI and ADC environments against threats using advanced machine learning algorithms. The cutting-edge WAF leverages advanced AI methods for proactive threat detection and self-training tailored to each customer's unique environment. Moreover, our robust encryption and rigorous compliance mechanisms ensure adherence to OCC and SEC standards, instilling confidence in clients from regulated sectors.

AIOps: The Future of DDI, ADC, and WAF Solutions

Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) is the future of DDI, ADC, and Web Application Firewall (WAF) solutions. AIOps combines big data and machine learning to automate IT operations processes, including anomaly detection, event correlation, and root cause analysis. The history of AIOps can be traced back to the advent of big data and machine learning. Its ability to leverage vast amounts of data to optimize and automate IT operations has made it a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure. Gartner predicted back in 2017 that AIOps platforms would become the prime choice for data collection, storage, and analysis by 2022. TCPWave is a pioneer in this space, utilizing AIOps to provide a comprehensive, real-time view of an organization's DDI and ADC environments. Our solution enhances operational efficiency, reduces downtime, and proactively addresses security threats.

TCPWave: The Catalyst for Organizational Growth

In an era where businesses are digitally transforming at an unprecedented pace, DDI and ADC technologies play a crucial role in ensuring a seamless and secure online experience. These technologies enable efficient management of network infrastructure and enhance the performance, availability, and security of applications and services. We stand out as the ideal choice for any organization looking to grow and excel in today's dynamic digital environment. With our innovative approach, we offer robust and scalable solutions that address the complex challenges of managing IP addresses, DNS, and DHCP services.


By transitioning to TCPWave, organizations can not only protect their vital assets from ever-evolving cyber threats but also ensure compliance with the stringent regulations of today's financial landscape. It's time to bid adieu to legacy DDI and ADC solutions and embrace the future with TCPWave's DDI and ADC solutions.