Maintaining an inventory of network devices is crucial for effective network management and security monitoring. It involves keeping track of all devices in a network. The inventory typically includes details such as device name, model, operating system, serial number, and the user associated with the device. The key benefits of inventory management are that it enables organizations to maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all their devices, which is essential for effective IT asset management. Organizations can optimize their technology spending and avoid unnecessary expenditures on additional devices by knowing precisely what devices they have, where, and how they are being used. Furthermore, they ensure that all devices are being used efficiently and effectively, improving overall productivity and reducing operational costs.

Recreates your network layout on a single pane of glass.
Offers at-a-glance understanding and decision-making for IT teams.
Displays information of discovered network devices.
Customer Testimonial

TCPWave's distributed discovery solution has been a game-changer for our business. We've been able to cut our costs, streamline our processes, and increase our efficiency. It's been a huge time-saver and has enabled us to focus on our core business objectives. We couldn't be happier with the results!


Featured Resources

TCPWave DDI - Distributed Discovery

With TCPWave DDI - Quickly discover and audit the network infrastructure to improve the enterprise security posture.

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TCPWave DDI - Switch Port Utilization Report

Using TCPWave's Switch Port Utilization Report, capture the port utilization information to plan for your switch port capacity needs proactively.

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TCPWave IPAM IP Network Automation

In today's enterprise, IT organizations face a challenging landscape in managing multiple layers of network complexity.

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