Experience the Future of DNS

The ultimate DNS Management experience for a connected world


Comprehensive DNS management solutions for today's dynamic networks.

In the evolving digital landscape, as a robust DNS server, TCPWave IPAM introduces advanced features such as encrypted messaging, dual DNS, machine learning, and robust analytics to ensure top-tier DNS security, performance, and optimization. Its user-friendly interface and modern Java-based automation enable real-time DNS configuration changes, streamlining the processing of thousands of DDI alterations with efficiency. Whether deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or via a hybrid model, it provides the flexibility required for smooth DNS integration and migration. TCPWave's swift deployment and provisioning of DNS remotes across various platforms and orchestrators set it apart in the industry.

Business Challenges

Explore how the evolving landscape of DNS management presents unique challenges for businesses. Dive deeper to discover how TCPWave addresses these with unmatched agility.

Our Solution

Explore TCPWave's innovative DNS solutions, ensuring constant connectivity in the digital age's evolving landscape.

Our Difference

Dive into TCPWave's digital revolution, blending AI-driven innovation with precision, redefining technological landscapes.


The Domain Name System (DNS) server, a critical element of every organization's operational fabric, has transformed significantly over the decades. This server, which is essentially responsible for managing DNS records and translating names to IP addresses, enables network communication between systems. DNS zones, configuration, and monitoring are crucial aspects of this process. With the modernization of legacy DNS technology and the need to adapt to emerging technologies like cloud and microservices, a DNS management platform is required to handle DNS automation, troubleshooting, performance optimization, and scalability. TCPWave ensures seamless agility and DNS redundancy, delivering a 99.9999% SLA (Service Level Agreement) even in complex network environments.

Explore the competitive edge TCPWave's DDI solutions provide. Any changes made to the DNS configuration on our DDI controller are mirrored across all DNS server appliances in real time, facilitating DNS scalability and enhancing flexibility. Our DNS solution offers resilience by querying upstream authoritative sources without service interruption, even during network outages, ensuring DNS reliability. Unique to TCPWave is technology that converts a cache-only DNS resolver into an emergency master during WAN blackouts. Our innovative CNAME flattening technology, part of our DNS optimization strategy, reduces operational overheads and simplifies firewall rules, improving DNS performance. Furthermore, TCPWave integrates advanced deep learning and machine learning into our solutions, providing DNS security and DNS analytics, thus safeguarding internal DNS caches. With TCPWave, DNS automation, zone transfers, caching, load balancing, DNSSEC, failover, redundancy, and traffic management are managed securely, supported by DNS policy management, auditing, and reporting. Our NTP Anycast solution ensures redundancy and fault tolerance through intelligent server selection and robust algorithms.


Ensuring the security, reliability, and performance of DNS is a complex endeavor and our platform is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive insights, expert advice, and practical tips on DNS best practices. From optimizing DNS configurations and implementing secure protocols to mitigating DNS attacks and maximizing performance, we offer valuable resources for IT professionals, network engineers, and anyone interested in harnessing the power of DNS effectively.

Active Directory
  • Our DNS Active Directory is a comprehensive solution that enables enterprises to manage their DNS infrastructure and Active Directory seamlessly.

DNSSEC Support
  • Our DNSSEC is a robust security solution protecting DNS infrastructure from several cyber threats like DNS spoofing, and cache poisoning.

Microsoft Overlay
  • Our solution is designed to enhance the performance, reliability, and security of Microsoft DNS servers.

DNS Exfiltration Detection
  • We use AI algorithms in its DNS Titan solution to analyze DNS traffic and identify patterns indicative of DNS tunneling and exfiltration attempts.

DNS Views Management
  • We offer streamlined, secure DNS views management for optimal network efficiency and compliance.

Secure B2B
  • Provides secure and efficient B2B communication by protecting DNS infrastructure from external threats.

DDI Remote
  • Provide centralized network management capabilities for distributed networks and remote locations.

  • Offers high performance for enterprise DNS infrastructure, ensuring mission-critical services are available with almost 100% SLA.

  • Helps organizations protect against DNS-based threats and comply with regulatory requirements.

DNS over TLS (DOT)
  • Enhance your network security by safeguarding your DNS queries from potential threats. Provides a reliable user browsing experience.

The TCPWave IPAM is a dynamic, future-ready DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) system serving as a robust DNS server. It integrates advanced features like encrypted messaging, dual DNS, machine learning, and superior analytics to ensure DNS security, performance, and optimization. It offers a responsive consumer-grade UX and leverages modern Java for intelligent automation. We enable real-time DNS configuration changes, simplifying data models to process thousands of DDI changes swiftly. TCPWave IPAM can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or via a hybrid model, offering flexibility for DNS integration and migration. The system's capacity to rapidly deploy and provision TCPWave DNS remotes across various platforms and orchestrators provides unmatched industry value.

Secure your Network

Featured Resources

DNS Security and DDoS Mitigation

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing various industries by automating tasks, optimizing processes, and enabling data-driven decision-making. From healthcare to finance and manufacturing to customer service.

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Symphony of Digital Harmony

Discover TCPWave's symphony of integration, security, and automation - where digital harmony meets enterprise innovation. Dive deeper to find your rhythm.

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TCPWave's RPZ is an advanced DNS security feature that defends against threats like phishing, malware, and botnets. It provides customized DNS responses, giving you precise control to effectively address security risks.

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DNS for DevOps

Streamline DevOps project life cycles with TCPWave DDI Solutions-an intelligent DNS solution that seamlessly integrates DNS tasks into software development and automation tools for enhanced efficiency and error-free deployment.

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TCPWave's DNS DHCP Migration

Learn about the importance of centralized DDI management in networking for enhanced efficiency and reliability. Discover the advantages of TCPWave DDI solution over decentralized Microsoft DNS and DHCP infrastructure.

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TCPWave DNS Monitoring

TCPWave transforms DDI and ADC infrastructure with intelligent monitoring, leveraging AI and machine learning. Their robust, secure system provides granular data for fault management, performance monitoring.

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TCPWave's DNS DHCP Integration

Unlock the transformative power of TCPWave's IPAM solution, seamlessly integrated with DNS and DHCP for revolutionary network management.

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TCPWave's ACL Templates

TCPWave's DDI solution empowers secure DNS management with advanced features like DNS ACLs, ensuring consistency and standardized configurations across multiple DNS appliances.

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Symphony of Digital Harmony

Discover TCPWave's symphony of integration, security, and automation - where digital harmony meets enterprise innovation. Dive deeper to find your rhythm.

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DNS Security and DDoS Mitigation

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing various industries by automating tasks, optimizing processes, and enabling data-driven decision-making. From healthcare to finance and manufacturing to customer service.

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TCPWave's RPZ is an advanced DNS security feature that defends against threats like phishing, malware, and botnets. It provides customized DNS responses, giving you precise control to effectively address security risks.

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DNS for DevOps

Streamline DevOps project life cycles with TCPWave DDI Solutions-an intelligent DNS solution that seamlessly integrates DNS tasks into software development and automation tools for enhanced efficiency and error-free deployment.

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TCPWave's DNS DHCP Migration

Learn about the importance of centralized DDI management in networking for enhanced efficiency and reliability. Discover the advantages of TCPWave DDI solution over decentralized Microsoft DNS and DHCP infrastructure.

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TCPWave DNS Monitoring

TCPWave transforms DDI and ADC infrastructure with intelligent monitoring, leveraging AI and machine learning. Their robust, secure system provides granular data for fault management, performance monitoring.

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TCPWave's DNS DHCP Integration

Unlock the transformative power of TCPWave's IPAM solution, seamlessly integrated with DNS and DHCP for revolutionary network management.

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TCPWave's ACL Templates

TCPWave's DDI solution empowers secure DNS management with advanced features like DNS ACLs, ensuring consistency and standardized configurations across multiple DNS appliances.

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